For photographers, photography backdrops are always a nagging question. Are they necessary for a photo shoot? Can they make any difference in the end results? Are they a good investment or unnecessary expenditure?
The truth is, they can easily make or break a photo. While clicking professional pictures, it is important to understand the significance of backdrops. They not only would give you the edge as a photographer but also save a lot of your time. Professional photographers care a great deal about the different backdrops they use. And there are multiple reasons for it. The biggest one is that they provide a clutter-free background that makes sure the subject is highlighted perfectly.

What are photography backdrops?
As the name suggests, photography backdrops are used in the background of photos and videos. They enhance the quality of the image by providing a unique surface for clicking pictures. They are also important when trying to convey the theme of the photos. Usually, most photographers prefer plain backdrops as they remove distractions and help the subject shine in the frame. Even in the digital era that we live in, photography backdrops are frequently used in studios, owing to their easy-to-use trait. Editing images through a computer usually takes a lot of time, and various photographers have admitted that the use of photography backdrops is their preferred choice in studio photography.
Different types of Photography Backdrops
There are several different kinds of backdrops that one can opt for while shooting. They have different uses and your choice should depend on various factors. But there are no hard and fast rules and you can always use whichever backdrop you prefer.
Paper Backdrops
Seamless paper backdrops are the most common type of backdrop you can find. Available in a variety of colours, they are usually 4.5ft to 9ft in width. These are smooth, non-reflective papers of minimum 125gsm thickness. They are used extensively in portrait photography, product photography, commercial photography and videography. White, black, and grey are the most popular colours in the seamless paper backdrops. The best part about paper backdrops is that they provide a smooth, even background. It makes them perfect for all kinds of photography and videography.
Muslin Backdrops
A cotton weave fabric, muslin easily holds dyes and paints. This quality is what makes muslin backdrops so popular as they have a huge variety of colours and designs. Our Muslin backdrops are made from a minimum 165gsm fabric. They are lightweight, portable, and have vibrant colours. Their different textures and patterns give various options to the photographers.
They are of two main varieties – Single Colour Muslin and Mottled Muslin. The Single Colour Muslin backdrops are one solid colour that gives you the same effect as paper backdrops. They are seamless and provide the same infinite background that paper does. Mottled Muslin backdrops are created by different dyeing techniques to make unique designs. We have several different kinds of Mottled Muslin backdrops – 3D Mottled, Crush Dyed Mottled, Washed Mottled, Handpainted Mottled, Solid Mottled and Reversible Mottled. Every category has a special dyeing technique that produces different end results.
These backdrops are great for shooting close-up portraits as they have a gorgeous texture. As a result, they are also great for fashion photography or maternity and baby photography as they are very easy to use. They provide vibrant backgrounds that are perfect for adding extra colours and textures to your images.
Canvas Backdrops
Canvas backdrops are made of a minimum 250gsm fabric. They are a classy variety that offers a wide range of subtle and dramatic patterns. They provide an interesting background to a portrait without competing with the main subject for attention. We offer two kinds of canvas backdrops – Solid and Handpainted. The handpainted category offers unique designs and patterns all created by a team of experienced artists. Abstract and airbrushed designs are especially preferred for highlighting the subject in depth. With Scenic and Patterned backdrops, we provide vibrant sceneries and elaborate designs that free you from the hassle of creating a set.
We also have a range of Tabletop backdrops that are created from canvas. These backdrops are meant for food and product photography. Each backdrop is made with 300gsm canvas that is then hand-painted with premium paints. The coating of paint on these backdrops makes them not only long-lasting but also completely spill-proof!
Wrinkle Resistant Backdrops
There are several kinds of wrinkle-resistant backdrops present in the photography industry right now. A backdrop being wrinkle-resistant is quite an important requirement for a lot of photographers. While shooting, it is extremely difficult to fix a backdrop if it forms wrinkles. And it is hours of wasted time fixing the same thing in post-processing. That is why polyester backdrops have become a popular choice with all kinds of photographers. Even Vinyl backdrops are highly wrinkle resistant and provide a smooth surface to shoot.
Both these materials are very easy to handle and are long-lasting. When compared to tried and tested paper, muslin, or canvas – polyester and vinyl are not on the same level of trust. Polyester promises you a smooth surface every time but not every polyester backdrop on the market is of good quality. Our polyester backdrops have been created after months of research and have gone through vigorous testing to make sure they uphold their quality.
The Versatility of Photography Backdrops
Photography backdrops form a core component of photography. It doesn’t matter what kind of photography is your line of work. Food photography, fashion photography, maternity photography, or if you’re into making videos for YouTube, or even if you are into movies, you will always use photography backdrops to get the best outcomes for your pictures.
Any professional photographer or videographer would tell you the significance of the photography backdrops. They are an essential part of studio photography. They provide context to an image and prevent the possibility of cluttered backgrounds that are distracting, to say the least.
The materials used to create backdrops are the main reason they provide specific use for specific photography. Paper backdrops are used for fashion photography and high-key projects like e-commerce shoots. They direct the focus on the subject and prevent any disruption in the background. Its smooth surface gives it an edge over other backdrops when it comes to professional fashion photography. Even for special effects, a smooth-surfaced green screen is easier to handle.
Likewise, if you decide to add texture to the background, cloth backdrops come into use. You can also find painted backdrops which help a great deal in setting up a suitable background with respect to the subject. The scenic canvas backdrops provide unique and vibrant sets, removing the hassle of going to a location or building a set. Green cotton muslins are great for adding special effects. But because of their fabric, they tend to crease up, which then requires steaming them before reusing.
Finding the best backdrop according to your need
As much as the photography backdrops are important, you can’t simply choose any backdrop and hope to create the desired effect for your pictures. Context comes into play here, and so do the environment and the theme of the photography. This is why various kinds of backdrops exist that suit different types of photography and video projects.
Learning which photography backdrop to choose is an art in itself. You don’t have to spend a lot of time choosing the right backdrop. It is always easy when as a photographer your instinct tells you the kind of texture that would go well with the subject. On one hand, it’s the client’s desire that you have to adhere to, on the other hand, it’s a test of your photography skills.
Think about the end results while choosing your backdrop
If you’re going to click photos of a model or a product, you would not want the background to mingle with the subject – the product – in the front. Using a smooth background will keep the subject shining in the photo, and enhance it. And when creating videos with special effects, smooth-surfaced backdrops make it easy to create an error-free video later.
Choosing a backdrop that can clearly separate the subject from itself, has effective portability, and doesn’t hinder the focus of the subject, is important. Because a good photographer is one who has the knowledge of a wide range of photography backdrops. And knows how to switch between them in a manner that not only yields amazing results but also saves a lot of time.
Photography backdrops are essential to photography. They give you a variety of options and thus increase the chances of a final product that is enriching and delightful. Apart from providing massive support in the frame, the presence of backgrounds of different textures and patterns also expresses the amount of dedication and consideration you have invested into your photography.